25 Aug 2017, 8:00am–5:00pm NZST
Massey University Wellington, Wallace Street, Wellington, New Zealand Map
Mobile Refresh 2017
GDG Wellington, together with Cocoaheads Wellington is proud to bring you Mobile Refresh 2017. Our one-day conference is aimed at mobile technology enthusiasts who are interested in exploring the possibilities brought by the latest announcements at Google I/O and WWDC.
Mobile Refresh will provide content for designers, developers, testers, or just about anyone passionate about mobile development. Many of the sessions will be interactive, but there is no expectation that everyone must contribute.
We are privileged to welcome local and international speakers (including several Googlers). Please check our website closer to the date for an updated agenda.
Attendees should expect discussions that cover iOS, Android, and the supporting tools and frameworks. The two platforms solve similar problems (albeit with different approaches), and it is our hope that at the end of the day everyone will have learned new things.
This event is made possible by our generous sponsors.
We expect all people attending at our event to have read and accepted our Code of Conduct: http://bit.ly/GDGWLGCoC
For more information, please visit http://mrw.gdg.nz